Sunday, October 28, 2007

What Is Perpetual Christianity

Perpetual Christianity is not just a random act. Just as the name implies, it is an everlasting state of being; something that endures forever; everlasting. Is this really something that a human being can attain - to live as a Christian (Christ-follower) 24/7? The answer is no. Only one person in history has been able to do this. His name is Jesus. So now what? If we cannot be like Him, should we simply give up? Again, the answer is no. Having the desire to become more like Christ is a goal all should strive for. It is the goal of this blog to not only share moments of my life with others, but to help others in their individual walks of spiritual maturity. I will not always have the answers, and my writings will only demonstrate the opinions of my culture, up-bringing, experiences and the limited amount of knowledge I have gained up to this point. I do not mind debate, rather I encourage it.

in His loving grip

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