Saturday, November 3, 2007

Is God Capable of Hate?

Last night I watched the last few minutes of 20/20 which interviewed Shirley and Tim Phelps on the reasoning behind their personal crusade of hate ( Something that struck me was one of their many ridiculous signs that stated, "God hates you!" Which brings me to the question, "Is God capable of hate?" This is by no means going to be an easy question to answer and will most certainly take many postings. However, I believe that with all that is happening in the world around us, it is a question that must be answered. 1 John 4:8 tells us that God is love. So if God is love, how is it possible that He hate His creation? As His creation, Christ (God) told us that our purpose is to love in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, Luke 6), not hate. So what example are we to follow? By loving His creation, aren't we loving our Creator?
Let's begin with an interpretation of the word hate as found in the original Hebrew text. The Hebrew word for hate comes from sane'. Ironic as it may seem, the correct pronunciation is sah-nay. Sane' means to hate, be hateful and is attributed to both God and man. If we stop here, the question is answered with an emphatic, "Yes!" But it's not that easy. You see, the dilemma is in itself, a paradox. Does God hate the person, the person's actions, or both?
The passage of Scripture I will be discussing today is found in Proverbs 6:16-19. These verses speak of five (5) actions and two (2) persons the Lord hates.
  1. arrogant eyes (vs. 17)
  2. a lying tongue (vs. 17)
  3. hands that shed innocent blood (vs. 17)
  4. a heart that plots wicked schemes (vs. 18)
  5. feet eager to run to evil (vs. 18)
  6. a lying witness who gives false testimony (vs. 19)
  7. one who stirs up trouble among brothers (vs. 19)
Arrogant eyes suggest pride. Pride is incredibly destructive for man elevates himself above God which is a form of idolatry. A lying tongue is a perversion of God's intended creation. God created mankind in His own image which includes honesty. John 14:17 reminds mankind that God is truth. Violence against those whom are Innocent is also hated. This particular verse could be used loosely in favor of the death penalty but that in another argument for another time. In the beatitudes, Jesus spoke of the thought of adultery as being one and the same as the action itself. If the heart plans wickedness, it is the same as carrying it out. Next, is feet eager to run to evil. Eagerness to sin is rebellion towards God.
The remaining two refer to persons rather than actions. A lying witness is in direct violation of God's ninth (9th) commandment. Keeping this law helps maintain stability in a society by protecting individuals' reputations. Brothers refers to Christians, therefore this is aimed at those already part of the Body. Intentionally making trouble for others is hated by God.
Although these last two examples found in Scripture refer to people, it sounds like God hates the action more than the person. I look forward to any feedback on this subject.

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