Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Updated Music Playlist

Okay kiddos, I have updated the playlist. You may be relieved, or even more offended. If you are in the latter category, (for those of you that don't know what latter means...you know who you are...that's the second one...okay, okay offended) don't be. This is music with a message. If you don't believe me, google the lyrics and you'll see what I'm talking about. I thought about holding your hand and putting the lyrics on my page somewhere, but didn't feel like it; at least not tonight. If there are any concerns, feel free to contact me, but be warned. You had better pack a lunch because I can assure you - we're going to do some serious arguing, err, debating.



Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Cleaning Up

Wow, I hadn't realized it has been about two months since my last post. Okay, here's the run-down of what's been going on. We just got our roof repaired two days ago; I'm still fighting with insurance trying to get the foundation repaired; when it rains, it comes through the bedroom window (still trying to figure out how) and splashes on me; Vivian turned seven and lost her first front tooth; Corbin is still crackin' us up with his 'isms http://createdbycourtney.blogspot.com; it snowed between 5-10 inches (we're freakin' 40 miles from the beach and cleaning up from a hurricane); I tore down a 900 sqft. shop...with my bare hands and managed to drive a 10 penny nail into my right knee (don't ask); tore most of the fence down and am trying to re-level posts that are salvageable while digging out those that were broken in the storm....whew. Other than that, not much has been going on. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we (the family) went to a rockin' concert Friday - The Winter Wonderslam featuring Toby Mac, Family Force Five, Relient K and B. Reith (pictures are on Courtney's blog). We rocked out as a family (minus the first 2 hours, Vivian crashed out but partied with us later). It's great to be able to share your hobbies with your kids; ours just happens to be going to ear-bleeding concerts YEAH! Okay, before somebody calls CPS on us, we make the kids wear shooting muffs to protect their fragile ears so they can damage 'em themselves in a few years with MP3 players or in their case an MP16 player or some other technical garbage that takes your kids away from conversation (soapbox, sorry). I won't promise that the next entry will be soon, but I'll at least try.


Monday, October 6, 2008

When It Rains...

Well, it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything so here goes. We're still cleaning up from the aftermath, but after seeing the destruction from the gulf coast, I have no right to complain. Our home did suffer some structural damage, and later this week I am going to have to crawl under the house and check the piers. A neighbor from down the street has a home close to the same age and size of ours. They had some significant damage to their piers so it's worth checking into before the insurance adjuster shows...if he ever does. Additionally, today a very dear friend was laid to rest. Growing up, he was like a little brother to me and less than a year ago he was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma - a very lethal form of cancer. Many might say he lost the fight however I beg to differ. His brother, my best friend, could not have said it better. "This disease may have knocked him down, but refused to stay that way. He kept getting back up." Jordan won this fight. He refused to give up; even to the end. He was 21 years old and leaves behind a wife and baby boy.

During the service Corbin looked at me and saw me crying. "Daddy, are you crying?" "Yes buddy, I am." "Why daddy?" "Well buddy, a very dear friend of mine has gone to heaven to be with Jesus and daddy's a little sad." Corbin then did the most thoughtful thing a 4-year old could do. He crawled in my lap and held me. It brings tears to my eyes even now, many hours later. This has made me question not my own mortality, but the mortality of those closest to me. It could happen in an instant. Cherish the moments in this life for they are fleeting.

God has a plan even when it seems unfair. God is still there even when we feel He is not. God is there-He never left us in the first place.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Thank You All So Very Much

Yesterday at 1600 (4:30PM) Texas Task Force 1 de-mobilized from operations pre/post-landfall of Hurricane Ike. The task force was able to put me up in a hotel in College Station; Courtney & the kids met me there for a much anticipated reunion. The hotel (Courtyard Marriott) has been absolutely wonderful to us. At first they were unable to accommodate us for more than one night, however we had to take Corbin to the hospital at around 1AM; he now has strep-throat. After speaking with the manager (Jennifer) we now have the room until Monday-longer if we need it. So when you stay out of town, go Marriott. Thank you all so much for the support. Thank you for lifting Courtney's spirits as well as mine. We our truly blessed by our extended family in the blogging world. I have around 10 GIG of pictures, so once I am able to sift through them all, they will be posted. Some friends have secured our home, so we will be heading back to my parents house for some much needed rest. Again, thank you all.
To the left is Scooby - I knows it's ridiculous, but I can't remember his handler's name; I think it is Kathy but I'm not certain.
Above is the beauty amidst destruction-Many will ask where God was during all of this, but the truth is God never left. People speak of finding God as if He was the One that was unavailable. The thing is, we are the one's that make ourselves unavailable until there is no where else to go; no where else to turn. He is with us always - even when it doesn't feel like it.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Updates and Photos

Well once again, thank you all for keeping us all in your prayers. It is truly comforting to know how much you all have cared to to take the time to lift up my wife and especially pray for us during this time of separation. As a team, we are all very tired. Unfortunately, some of our members may not have homes to go to. A task force member from California had a family member die in the train collision earlier this week. I know there will be damage when I return; I know there will be a lot of work to do. But it doesn't really matter. Everything that is important to me is in Central Texas-well away from this chaos. Yesterday I made a store run for the Overhead Operations group that I am in and while I was at the store I saw a mother and her 2-3 year old daughter. I couldn't help but stare at them while they shopped because the little girl looked so much like my daughter when she was that age. I miss my family terribly and I don't know when I'll get to see them. After we're demobilized from here, I will have to report back to my fire department; they are still without power and emergency operations will have to resume regardless of amenities. So do me a favor-hug your kids; kiss your spouse and realize how blessed you truly are.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some More Photos & Bad News

Well folks, knowing that it would only be a matter of time, we do have some fatalities. I am not allowed to give specifics or numbers as per our Public Information Officer, however some have lost their lives. As disheartening as it is, with the widespread mass-destruction, it is quite amazing that there weren't more casualties. Up here in the Command Element, we do what we can to keep the spirits and morale up for those involved. Here is one of the power point slides I included in our 0800 Unified Command brief. Below is our sleeping arrangements. That's me with the e pillow on my face - it's not easy sleeping with the lights on.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Few More Photos & Many Thanks For Your Prayers

Hey kiddos, I had some much needed down-time and had the opportunity to share some pictures and information. First let me thank all of you for the prayers and well-wishes that you have shared not only on Courtney's blog, but mine as well. Receiving your messages reminds me of my days in the Marine Corps when mail-call came, so thank you all. Operations continued today and the destruction is tremendous, however I am pleased to report that as of now, we have yet to find any fatalities. Hopefully we won't. To the left is the unbelievable amount of equipment that it takes to run a USAR operation & this isn't even a third of it. And above is the luxurious shower facility we reconed. If you're wondering what that is, yep, you guessed it. It's a mop sink/shower with hot water. AAHHHH.
-God speed

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ike - The New Katrina

So we're at it again. This post will be short and sweet to share some photos and let you all know that myself, Courtney & the kids are safe. This is another C-130 that is beginning to be our method of transportation, but we are mixing it up with some UH-60s as well. The wake of destruction left in Ike's wake is devastating. Nothing can compare to seeing it first-hand. The last 24 hours has changed the topography of the coastline that will be seen for possibly years to come. Our field teams are out fulfilling rapid needs assessments of the residences that refused to leave as well as assisting those that have changed their minds. The death toll is unknown, if any, at this time. I'll keep the updates coming as I have time and access.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gustav to Ike

Operations went well with Gustav and better yet, we (South East Texas) dodged a bullet. That's me above giving a brief to Texas Military Forces. To the left is a C-130 from the TX Air National Guard that we used to help evacuate folks from New Orleans. Texas Task Force 1 along with Texas Military Forces, California TF-1, 4 & 5, Colorado TF-1, Nevada TF-1, Arizona TF-1, Tennessee TF-1, & our brothers from Merseyside in Liverpool (that's the United Kingdom for all you yanks) all staged in Houston for the duration of the storm along with multiple ambulance agencies from across the state and abroad. After three days, our type 1,2, & 3 teams were demobilized; myself and the overhead team were de-mobed on day four. So now I'm back re-stocking my gear and set to go back out on Wednesday for Hurricane Ike. Again, please keep those in the Caribbean and Cuba in your hearts and prayers, for they have taken a tremendous beating this season. Additionally (and most importantly), keep the families of those that we have to leave behind while we go and help our fellow man.

Greater hath no love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

Friday, August 29, 2008

Well, it has been a rather busy season for the Task Force (4th deployment this year) and the party is just beginning. Gustav is on its way and the predictions are showing, at the very least, a Category 3 by landfall. In addition to Gustav, Hannah is gradually building in the Atlantic and may throw us a curve-ball by making the turn in southern Florida thus making its way into the Gulf as well. So things will be pretty interesting in the days to come. I have already been placed on stand-by with TXTF-1 USAR to be mobilized Sunday morning. Though I never look forward to deployments, it is impressive, to say the least, to see the multiple agencies work in chaotic harmony to serve the general public. This is why we do what we do - to serve our fellow man. Pray for those who have already been affected by Gustav and certainly for those that will be impacted early next week. I'll do my best to keep you updated as to operations and whereabouts.

grace & peace


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fireball Update

Well folks, by the above timer you can see we have a month before race-day. Though this should be an exciting time, for me it is nothing more than stress mixed with the emotion of some despair. You see, as Team 09, we have yet to secure a vehicle for the race. We are still in a holding pattern from at least two dealerships deciding on whether or not they will give us a vehicle to participate in this year's run. Additionally, this may be our only chance to participate because this is an invitational only type race. I feel it is quite moot to offer up prayers that we get a vehicle when there are many more important issues that warrant God's attention. However, I will ask none-the-less. I will certainly keep ya'll posted.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cross the Line Tour

WOW! I have been waiting months for this concert and I almost missed it due to being sick. It wasn't until the last minute I decided that I could rock-out despite being in bed for two and a half days. Man am I glad I did, cause it was the best medicine I could have had. Not only did we enjoy a sweet concert, but we also met Superchick.

This best part, I must say, was jammin' with the family; doin' the bump with my wife to KJ-52; dancing with my little girl on my shoulders to Brit Nicole and throwing up my rawk fist with my son to Disciple. Man those kids can party.

Monday, May 12, 2008

the Jesus project

A week or so ago, my wife overheard a theological conversation between my 4 year old son and my 6 year old daughter. She shared their debate with me and I felt compelled to write a segment about it.

We can certainly learn some deep and profound truths of theology from the mouths of babes if we would take the time to not only listen, but reflect; this is precisely what I have done. If any of you have followed my wife's blog, our son and daughter have some quite unique '-isms' that usually bring a laugh. However, they can be deep and philosophical too.

Corbin made the statement that,
"Jesus is our project!"
How many of us actually treat Jesus as our project?

Dictionary.com defines project as:
proj·ect [n. proj-ekt, -ikt; v. pruh-jekt] –noun
1. something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme.
2. a large or major undertaking, esp. one involving considerable money, personnel, and equipment.
3. a specific task of investigation, esp. in scholarship.
4. Education. a supplementary, long-term educational assignment necessitating personal initiative, undertaken by an individual student or a group of students.

Something that is contemplated; a large or major undertaking; an investigation; a long-term educational assignment.
Do we really view Jesus as our life's project? If we don't, then the great wisdom that was imparted to my 4 year old son from Whom I believe is responsible for this phenomenom called existence has missed its mark. This random act of brilliance is not, in my opinion, so random for it has pierced my very being in that I must make and continue to mold my way of thinking - this life is the Jesus project.
It is my prayer and desire that you too will consider this wisdom and make Jesus your life's project for the grade of passing or failing will determine your eternity.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Laying A Friend & Brother To Rest

This entry is not only in memory of Mike "Fe Fe" Pierre and his family that was unexpectedly left behind, but for all my brothers, sisters, and their families within the police, fire and EMS service that too have faced loss.

There are seldom any answers that bring comfort to those that have lost friends and family, but we ask anyway. We may quietly ask God, "why?" or brazenly beat on our chest while screaming at our Creator. Our Father understands, for He created us. It is not while on the snow-capped mountain-tops lacking in vegetation that one may grow closer to God. It is in the lowly, lush valleys that we find growth and life. It was created this way by One who understands us better than we do ourselves for He became one of us in order that He may mediate for us at a future time. So in times of grief, sorrow or pain, keep in mind that God is the creator of all of those emotions and is more than capable of pulling us through...if we give up control and allow Him.

So take the extra time to tell your children you love them. Tell your husband or wife how much you care for them. Make amends with whomever you need to, for no one but God knows what tomorrow will bring.

We'll miss you Mike.
Please copy and paste the link below for the news coverage.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who's Agenda Are You On?

1657, from L., lit. "things to be done," from neut. pl. of agendum, gerundive of agere (see act). Originally theological (opposed to matters of belief), sense of "items of business to be done at a meeting" first attested 1882.

Because of our technological advances, our world travels at an even greater break-neck speed. We busy ourselves with work, studies, household chores, even church. The question is, "Where do we allow flexibility for God's instruction?" Moreover, "Do we heed to His instruction when we do remain flexible?"
Many may already know the story of Jonah; the guy who ran from God and ended up in the belly of a whale only to be vomited out later. Okay, I know it's gross, but don't blame me, I didn't write the book. Another theological debate is whether he really was in a whale's belly. I am of the camp that ALL Scripture is true regardless of how extraordinary it may seem. I will not put God in a box, so if some would like to contest the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible, I look forward to your comments.
After reading the book of Jonah several times (it's only 4 chapters) I realized that the reasoning of Jonah's disobedience was due to fear as I had originally believed. It was because of his dislike and hatred of the Ninevites. You see Jonah didn't want the town of Nineveh and its inhabitants spared. He knew if they repented, God would have mercy on them (4:1-2).
Jonah went the complete opposite way of Assyria toward Tarshish. Out of fear, self-pity, depression or whatever else, upon embarking on the vessel, he went straight to lowest part of the ship. He wanted to seclude himself from not only God, but man as well. As the storm intensified the seas, the pagan sailors began praying to each of their gods with the hopes of saving themselves. When they realized who was to blame (by casting lots) Jonah 'fesses up. He tells them he is to blame for the storm and that the only way for them to be saved is by throwing him overboard. The sailors do all they can to keep from having to do this.
What is interesting about these sailors is the fact they they, as pagans, exhibited more compassion than Jonah, a man and prophet of God.
After reluctantly throwing Jonah overboard, the sailors not only prayed to God, but they began offering sacrifices to Him as well. You see, God is able to use even our mistakes and disobedience to bring others into a belief and possible relationship with Him.
Jonah is eventually swallowed by a fish and for three days he has a heart-to-heart with God. God gives him a second chance and he is back on land. After preaching God's message to the Ninevites, they repent. This amazing obedience of Nineveh stood in stark contrast to Israel's stubbornness (Matthew 12:39-41). This would be short-lived. God destroys Nineveh a short-time later.
In conclusion, Jonah is angry with God for sparing the Ninevites. It was his agenda that became more important than God's. We can learn much from Jonah. First we must remain flexible to God's instruction. Second, we must be faithful and willing to His instruction even if we do not agree or understand the reasoning behind it. Lastly, we must accept His will, because nothing we do will frustrate God's ultimate plan. People have been trying for millenia only to their own contravention.

Modern Language Association (MLA):
"Agenda." Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 20 Mar. 2008. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Agenda.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Actions have Consequences

Currently I am reading George Barna's A Fish Out of Water: 9 Strategies to Maximize Your God-Given Leadership Potential. I am only two chapters in, but I am compelled to share what I have learned thus far. As you may have already found out through my profile, I really have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, so for now, I want to be and do everything. Eventually, I would like to be a consultant of sorts in emergency management and mitigation or somehow weasel my way into the business marketplace.
I love leadership; books, articles, journals, you name it. The great debate is and will continue to be, "Are people born leaders or are they educated to become leaders?" The answer depends on whom you speak with. In my opinion, it is a little of both. You see, God creates those He wants in positions of leadership, however those people may not agree due to their own timidity and lack of confidence. Take Moses for example. These folks that may be unsure of themselves can seek to hone their skills to become more effective leaders through experience, education, etc. The catch is, however, if God has not appointed them as a leader, no amount of experience or knowledge will ever allow them to become effective leaders. God's appointment, regarding leadership, is the requisite credential.
This prelude leads us to today's entry. The most effective leadership strategy, whether it be for a battle, a business, or a home, can be found within the pages of Scripture. Many extra-biblical texts serve to be invaluable resources but the foundation is Scripture, itself.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is Newton's Third Law of Motion. The same principle applies to leadership. Whether it be in business, the battlefield or home; Actions have Consequences.

For those in leadership positions, this saying is applied ten-fold because not only is everyone watching you, they are depending on you for guidance. The truest definition of a leader is one that has followers. Without followers, there's no leader. The author of Ecclesiastes, through the divine and sovereign hand of God, tells us in the third chapter "There is an occasion for everything and a time for every activity under heaven." This includes action. Action, then leads to change. Change often leads to consequences; good and bad.
It is through this arduous process that Christian leaders be the Godly representative which in-turn shows our Creator's influence in our decision making process and calling as leaders. We are to be trailblazers and point-men/women, providing a path of safe-haven while we lead our constituents. Similar to a light house that leads an ocean vessel to safety, we too are to lead. (Matthew 5)
"Leadership is the art of serving God by helping His people become more like His Son through the indefatigable pursuit of His vision and values (Barna)."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Registration Is Final & We Are In, Baby

Got some great news this morning from the organizers of the Fireball Run. Our registration has been confirmed and our spot is secure. Many thanks to the Beaumont Convention & Visitor's Bureau (http://www.beaumontcvb.com/) for securing our spot with a very large check! The car's number is #09; honoring the history of Spindletop. For 9 straight days back in 1901, the Lucas Gusher at Spindletop flowed producing almost a million gallons of oil; more than all of the other producing wells in the United States COMBINED! This was the oil boom that put Beaumont on the map.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Love Is Fluid

Well, Valentines Day is quickly approaching, and some lyrics seemed to echo in my head regarding love. The lyric goes, "Love, what is it? A solid or a liquid?" This got the wheels turning in my head (insert joke here). Regarding matter, we have three choices: solid, liquid and gas. So with these three choices, what would best describe love?
In my opinion, love is not a solid. If it were a solid, it would only be able to cover a minimal amount of surface area. There are many crevices and places where love would not fit. Picture a glass with pebbles from top to bottom. Is the glass completely full? The answer is no, for there is still space for something else to fill.

Love is also not a gas. A gas is unseen and cannot be grasped. Love could not possibly be this, for we would never be able to establish a relationship with something unseen and untouchable.
(Make no mistake, God is not either of these, for He came as flesh and blood. He can be seen and grasped through His creation)
In the end, all we are left with is liquid.
Love is a liquid. Love is fluid. Fluid love is able to reach the areas of our heart that we would never allow to be seen. Areas that we try to hide so we are not vulnerable. Love penetrates even the most fortified of hearts. This is why our Creator and Savior made it the most important - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and Prophets depend on these two commandments."
Matthew 22:37-40
Love has no boundaries aside from the ones we give it. If you pour a glass of water onto a flat surface, it will spread. If you confine it to a cup or dish, you bind it to that cup or dish. Follow the words of Christ by letting your love spread. It is not always easy, but it is always rewarding.
The love my wife gives me is fluid. My very being is saturated with her love and for that I am so very greatful. Thank you Courtney for your love.

Fireball Update

Just an update on the upcoming race. I met with the representitives of the Beaumont Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CVB) on Friday to share ideas. This is truly an exciting time, however the work is far from being finished. We're still waiting on a car, however we do have an in-dash GPS and premium sound system ready for install thanks to Motion Audio and Premier Sound. For any locals (Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange and everywhere in between) that come across this site that want to be involved, bring it! Thanks to my wife for her continuing support and all those that have sent their well-wishes from her blog http://www.createdbycourtney.blogspot.com/ .

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2008 Fireball Run Trans-Continental Race

Today's entry is not quite as spiritual as the others, however I received some awesome news. I was asked to participate as a driver for the 2008 Fireball Run. If you're not familiar with this race, it is similar to the Bull Run, Great American Race, and Gumball Rally. Last year the race went East to West from Orlando to Beverly Hills. This year its running from South to North with the locations TBD.

Unlike the other trans-continental runs, this race is for the Child Rescue Network www.childrescuenetwork.com/ . The racer's vehicles are virtual rolling milk cartons. Additionally, this race is for a very few. Entrants must be invited, and that doesn't even guarantee spot. So it is truly an honor to have the opportunity to participate. I will try to get some links put on my blog. In the meantime, visit http://www.fireballrun.com/ to check it out for yourself.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Daniel 4:34-37 "But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my sanity returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom {endures} from generation to generation. 35"All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, But He does according to His will in the host of heaven And {among} the inhabitants of earth; And no one can ward off His hand Or say to Him, 'What have You done?' 36"At that time my sanity returned to me. And my majesty and splendor were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom, and my counselors and my nobles began seeking me out; so I was reestablished in my sovereignty, and surpassing greatness was added to me. 37"Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and His ways just, and He is able to humble those who walk in pride."
It's been a while since I posted an entry. Courtney has asked me several times when I was going to update my blog. The truth is, I really didn't want to. You see, my very intentions and motivations were to establish thought provoking conversations and especially debate. I rather enjoy arguing, theologically speaking, for it strengthens my positions, or changes them altogether when I find myself in the wrong. For me, these conversations present themselves as apologetics. They provide insight and give me opportunities to share the applications of God's Word in my life with you. As you can read some of the past comments, I have found very little conversation. So why should I continue using the time and energy to study topics and write about them if it seems that nobody really cares? Take a walk with me, will you?
As December is usually chaotic for everyone else, I was no different. Time seemed to accelerate at break-neck speed and nothing seemed to be getting accomplished. Before we knew it, Christmas had arrived. With zero comments on the previous entry, Naivety of the Nativity, I found little motivation to continue the blog. So what does this have to do with me? Nebuchadnezzar? or maybe something you're going through right now? Naturally I can only compare myself to old Neb, however the applications that I have encountered can easily be both multiple and universal.
Nebuchadnezzar was incredibly powerful and arrogant. He attributed all he had to himself and not God, despite warnings from his friend Daniel. Neb ended up losing his mind for a period of seven years - roaming the countryside acting like an animal. Once the seven year period ended, he found himself in the passage you are reading today. For me, perhaps my pride and ego has taken precedence over the true reasons why this blog should be published - to spread the truth of God's Word and not my own ability regarding scholarship.
Nebuchadnezzar recognized that the circumstances were God's doing. It doesn't matter if it was just. It doesn't matter if it was unjust. What matters is that it was His doing whether we like it or not. Does it sometimes hurt? You bet it does. Do we always agree with it or understand it? No. Since the new year, I have taken some time away from the church. My time away hasn't been easy, but it has been extremely therapeutic. I have become closer to God through His Word. I have become closer to my family by His love and grace through me. This leads us to the final point.
After his period of isolation, Nebuchadnezzar regained his sanity. More importantly, he received a better understanding of God's sovereignty. The key word is receive. We may get a crash-course in sovereignty, but we do not always willfully receive the education of it. We may become bitter. We may become resilient and callous. Neb learned. He learned and then he praised.In closing, the question arises, "Can I be like Nebuchadnezzar? Can I continue this blog in a way that glorifies God in its wake?" For me, I have to continue this. I may never have another comment returned, but human circumstances will not and should not get in the way of a relationship with the Father. The only comment I look forward to is, "Well done, good and faithful servant (Luke 19)."

The points one needs to understand are these:
  • [It is] His dominion (v. 34)
  • [It is] His kingdom (v. 34)
  • He does what He wants (v. 35)
  • [It is] His hand (v. 35)
  • [It is] His works (v. 37)
  • [It is] His ways (v. 37)

Nothing is said about what we want, what we wish, or what we desire. It is not about us. It's about Him. My intentions/motivations for this blog are no longer about me. They're about glorifying my king. I will write about topics and Scripture He has laid on my heart. He will guide the people He wishes to this blog. Should conversation arise about certain entries, well that's just an added bonus or gift from Him to me.

grace and peace to you all
