Well once again, thank you all for keeping us all in your prayers. It is truly comforting to know how much you all have cared to to take the time to lift up my wife and especially pray for us during this time of separation. As a team, we are all very tired. Unfortunately, some of our members may not have homes to go to. A task force member from California had a family member die in the train collision earlier this week. I know there will be damage when I return; I know there will be a lot of work to do. But it doesn't really matter. Everything that is important to me is in Central Texas-well away from this chaos. Yesterday I made a store run for the Overhead Operations group that I am in and while I was at the store I saw a mother and her 2-3 year old daughter. I couldn't help but stare at them while they shopped because the little girl looked so much like my daughter when she was that age. I miss my family terribly and I don't know when I'll get to see them. After we're demobilized from here, I will have to report back to my fire department; they are still without power and emergency operations will have to resume regardless of amenities. So do me a favor-hug your kids; kiss your spouse and realize how blessed you truly are.
Oh, honey.
I took the kids to eat lunch yesterday and they pointed to the empty chair at the table and said "This chair is for daddy." Then came the waterfall of questions as to when they can see you again.
You are so very missed... and loved beyond belief.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you realize how important your job is and how appreciated you are. God bless you!
Many thanks for taking time away from spending with your family to help those who are really in need.
My husband is in the military and will be heading down tonight to help out with search & rescue and anything else he can do to help out.
My very best wishes for your whole family. Please know that those of us in other parts of the country not directly affected are praying for your safety and that you will soon be reunited with your family. As a Red Cross volunteer myself, I have seen firsthand the work of selfless first responders and search and rescue teams. Please, Josh, stay strong and know that there are people praying for you. May God give you the physical and emotional strength to get through this time.
Kathleen Innes
Although I am far from the devestation and can only imagine what people are going through, you, your fellow workers, their families, and especially all the affected people in Ike's path are in my prayers every day.
Thank you so much for the sacrafices you and your co-workers are doing on behalf of all the people going through this right now.
From a British Columbia, Canadian
Hello Josh,
I sit here in Largo, Fl; my eyes filled with tears! I have been a "follower" of "Created by Courtney" for some time now. Over several months I feel that you have become part of my extended family. I love to read your "sermons", "corbinisms", "vivianisms" and Courtneys lovely creations. I admire so the courage you have and the work you are doing, knowing that for you it is much more than a job but rather a calling. God has a special place for people like you Josh. Blessings and Hugzzzz to you and your family. I DO see how truely blessed my family and I have been especially in the part of FL we are from. Thank you for all you do, and keep the faith my friend. Sincerest Reguards!!!!
Erin Perez
Hi there; hang in there friend; GOD is going to bless you for all you are doing. Keep your FOCUS on HIM, and only glance at those problems you are dealing with. An online friend of your wife.
Sending good thoughts your way from Courtney's onlien friend in Maryland.... Hope you're safe and home with your family soon. Thank you for all you do. - Kelly
What good work you are doing. Keep up the faith!
My daughter has a very good friend who is a firefighter in Houston and his wife is an ER Doc there. They are really busy at this time also.
I just want to let you know how much we appreciate all that you do and the sacrifice that you are making. You are all in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.
Josh, I'm an online friend of Courtney's, and I just wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and your team. I doubt I'll ever do anything close to the hard work you all are doing down there, and I'm so grateful for your efforts.
Josh, thank you for sharing with us the news that is going on in the south on the hurricane disaster. I live in Michigan and can't even imagine what it must be like. I watch the news footage on tv or see the pictures on the internet and then realize I have tears rolling down my cheeks. Your wife and children are so proud of you.Even though I don't know you, I have great respect for you and what you do. Keep your faith and God will bless you for all you are doing. We are all very grateful. Thank you! Big Hugs from Michigan! Karla P.
Thank you for helping the Texas Task Force. You, your family, and those you are working with are in our thoughts and prayers!
Jane Hignite
stamper friend of Courtney
Keep up the good work and know that you are in the prayers of may. I am a crafter who just came across Courtney's blog, but I also live in Louisiana, so I am very familiar with the area that was devastated by Ike.
I cannot even imagine how difficult it is to be away from Courtney and the kids right now. You are doing a very important job and there are so many who appreciate it! You all are in our prayers.
Josh, I can only echo the same as so many have that your courage to even be in this line of work is a true calling and so many are blessed by your sacrifices. I too pray that God will keep you all safe and allow you to do your jobs quickly so you can return to your families. Thank you for all for being there to help all the others in need. Just know your work does not go unnoticed.
Josh, I can't even imagine how difficult your task is. I'm sure everyone is incredibly grateful for the help you're providing and you won't even know the full impact of your contribution or how far reaching it is. I'm very grateful for people like you who get in the trenches and do the really hard work. It's all so difficult. Know that you're making a huge difference in these peoples' lives. Gratefully, Melanie Evans (stamper friend of Courtney's)
Oh my - I've got tears streaming down my face. I was just posting on your wife's blog earlier about this. I'm so sorry that you are not able to be together as a family. I know God will help get you all through this. I see the devastation on the news (I'm in MD) and can't help but wonder how I would be if I had to go through something like that. It saddens me to know that so many have had to deal with this and will have to do so for some time.
Know that your efforts are not in vain. There are many people who appreciate what you are doing - whether they can tell you directly or not. You indeed are a very special person to do what you do for others. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers and hope for a reunion soon!!
God Bless You!!
Our hopes and prayers are with you. I am in Virginia but my son is a lineman down there helping restore power. It is devastating. Take care and we all appreciate your sacrifice to help out.
Thank you for what you do. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I can say I actually know what you are going through...or at least your wife. My husband flew the CH53E's during Hurrican Katrina relief. He was away from our family for quite a while. While we did miss him greatly, I knew what he was doing was helping those who really needed it. I can say it changed our lives for the better, and when we get cards of hello's and well wishes from some of the victims he helped it really shows us that people still do care about community and helping others. We will continue to pray for everyone's safe return whether relief workers or victims.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, courtney, and your children. As a nation we are blessed to have people like you that are willing and egar to go and help in situations that most people turn and run from. My prayers are with you to make a speedy return to your family who is missing you so much. Kim
Love your music! MxPx is one of my favorites! You are doing so much good right now. Hang in there and know that God is with you and your family. We are so grateful to have self sacrificing people like your self there to help out those in need. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for the work you are doing. I know that you are exhausted and missing your family so much-I can't even imagine! But know this-lean on God for strength. Even though you may feel that you are at the end of your rope, God NEVER reaches the end of His. He will sustain you through this time. I will be praying for the protection of you, your family and all of your co-workers. May God bless you richly as you do this important work. You are truly a hero.
You and your family are in my prayers. I will pray that God will give you strength to get through these tough times.
Tears came to my eyes as I read your post and looked at the pictures. I am so grateful for all the work and help you are giving. Without people like you our country would not survive. You are in my prayers and well as your wonderful family.
Thank you, thank you thank you !!!
I am so thankful thier are brave folks like you out in the world to help others, I wonder if they realize what you give up for them, I sure hope so. I am praying for you and your brave and unselfish team to finish as quick as possible and be able to see your family again. I think you are all Heros! Hugs to you and your kids and your wife! You are all heros in my eyes!!! God Bless, Dawn H.
Josh, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I've been reading your entries, and am heartbroken not only by the destruction that you're seeing, but by reading how much your family loves and misses you. From here in Michigan (and as a Firefighter mom) I just wanted to say thank YOU for the work you are doing down there!
My thoughts and prayers also with your team member who lost a loved one in the LA train crash...
God bless you!
Courtney loves you very much because she only says wonderful things about! Thank you for all you do!!! Our love, prayers and thoughts really are with you while you are away from home.
**sob** You'll see them soon!! Keep your chin up. You're doing a great job, and remember, if you need anything at all while you're here in Houston, just cal!!!
I would personally like to thank you and all the women and men who are with you, serving those and providing aid for those that need it most! You are certainly a wonderful role model for your children and know that they too will grow to serve others is very commendable and honorable! Know that you will be back with your family soon - and in the arms of those who love you so.
Thank you for serving your community - I can not even imagine all that you see and the feelings you are going through - but GOD does and HE will DOWN POUR His blessings upon you for seeking Him during this crises. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer - Romans 12:12 - I am lifting you and your family in my prayers daily! Because of Jesus' Love - Chris Dickinson
I too would like to say thank you for all that you are doing. It hurts my heart to know what you are going through right now and please know that my prayers are with you and your family. I cannot imagine being away from my husband or kids for that long. I'm going to go kiss them all right now and let them know how much they mean to me. Hang in there and God bless you!
I have been through several hurricanes Hugo being my worst and I have to say thank you for what you are doing for your community. My family and I work with the Southern Baptist relief and opened up a shelter for those who had no where to go. I don't know what people would do without people like you and your co workers, scraficing being with your family to serve them. a true servant of God! My prayers are with you all.
Josh...sending you lots of hugs! Keep up the good work! I am praying for you and your family...and hope you will all be reunited soon!
Hugs~ Kim (one of Courtney's blog followers!)
Josh, our thoughts and prayers are with you while you are away from your precious family doing what you know God would have you to do! Courtney is your #1Supporter, and we love her in the StampingAngels!!
Hugs & Sunshine, Brenda & John
Prayers are with you Josh as you go through this. We are all proud of all of you who are out there doing this tremendous job. You all make such a difference.
I know you miss your family and your family misses you. Soon you will be together again. The job you all are doing is so important and appreciated. God Bless you all. It's great to know we have men and women out there like you that are here to help in these disasters.
A friend of Courtney's from the SUAngels list.
Angel hugs
You are showing and sharing the pure love of Christ, which is Charity. True Charity! Expecting nothing in return! Christ weeps for happiness when He sees one helping another. Remember when He said "if ye have done this to the least of these my brethren, ye have also done it unto me." I hope and pray for you and your family that you will be blessed abundantly for your love and efforts. God Loves You and So DO WE:) YOU ARE THE BEST! Thank you ever so kindly and may you and yours receive whatever blessings you are in need of or so desire. My gratitude goes out to you and those like you. You set such a perfect example of Christ's desires for us to help one another. Much LOVE & APPRECIATION! Your friends in Christ where you are and all over the country!
Oh how I wish I had something powerful to say during this awful time for you guys, but I don't! I just pray that you all remember that God is walking next to you each and every moment you are apart.
Hang in there my friends,
Hi Josh,
I just want to say thank you for all that you do. I was visiting ill relatives in Houston when I realized I had to prepare them and myself for the upcoming hurricane. I was in search of batteries and found myself in line with a search and rescue fellow from Washington state. I felt humbled by the purity of his desire to help others. I may sit on boards to help those less fortunate and send money but you take action and put your life on the line to help others. I find it uplifting that someone can care so much and reach out with such desire that they are willing to leave their family and home to help others. I just can't say thank you enough. You are the best of us all.
It must be so hard to be away from your loved ones!!!My heart bleeds for you and your co-workers... As i said before, you are truly beutifull inside to aid others in need!!! And thanks for the fotos, here in Sweden, aas the hurricane has left, it's not top news anymore...why can't they show all the work you people are doing?? I'm just greatfull that there still are such wonderfull people in this world!!And thank you for the reminder, of hugging kids and spouses...sometimes you just forget whats the most important thing in the world!!!
Josh,you are a true hero!!! It must be terribly hard to be away from your family at this time!!!
I pray for all your family and everyone else out there.
Take care of yourself so you can come back to your family safe and sound! God bless all of you!
THANK YOU for all you do !!! You are In our Thoughts and prayers!!!
Josh, I feel like I know you through pictures from Courtney's blog and all her fun stories of your lovely family. What a blessing loving families are! My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Also, I'm so sorry about the person you mentioned in your post who lost someone in that horrific train accident. It happened not too far from where I live. My prayers go out to him also. God bless you and may he continue to give you strength to endure the rest of this ordeal.
Hi Josh - just want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I've been in contact today with hundreds of Stampin' Up! Demonstrators across the country and have people on stand-by to Assist Courtney in restocking her supplies and rebuilding her business once you all return home and are able to assess your needs! Stay strong and keep the faith and thank you for all you are doing! Blessings, Gretchen Barron
Though I haven't had the unfortunate opportunity to live through such destruction, I have been through a couple of hurricanes--without nearly as much damage. Some things finally began to hit home as I visited ground zero and the Trinity Church this summer. As we were leaving the church, a gentleman began singing "Ave Maria" in preparation for a wedding. Hearing that song brought the trajedy right into my heart and I finally began to understand what people went through. Please know that you, and your brothers and sisters in service, are in my thoughts each day.
Torri Davis
I read about your difficult times and You and your commrades are in my prayers. I thankfully have never had to deal with a similar disaster but I have seen the photos and know of the devestation. Take care of yourself and know your family is safe.
Praying for you
Josh, I have just spent the last 45minutes reading Courtney's blog and your updates. I am usually quite a follower of Courtney's work..just love her blog and hearing about your lives. It never occured to me that you lived out that way. It should have because one of my fave postings was of you on your knees in front of the save the ta-tas sign in Keneh,TX. I am so sorry for all that you and your family have been through and very relieved that you are all home together again. I know what devastation to a home can be. We lost our house and most everything in it due to an electical fire 4 years ago. Of course things are fixed now...some things can never be replaced...but they are just things. The only things that mattered that day were our sons and they got out of the house (along with the dog). So I will keep on praying for you and your family knowing all will be well in the end. Yes things will be different, some things will be gone, but at the end of the day you all have each other and as you very well know that's what matters.
God Bless & Take Care,
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