Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Laying A Friend & Brother To Rest

This entry is not only in memory of Mike "Fe Fe" Pierre and his family that was unexpectedly left behind, but for all my brothers, sisters, and their families within the police, fire and EMS service that too have faced loss.

There are seldom any answers that bring comfort to those that have lost friends and family, but we ask anyway. We may quietly ask God, "why?" or brazenly beat on our chest while screaming at our Creator. Our Father understands, for He created us. It is not while on the snow-capped mountain-tops lacking in vegetation that one may grow closer to God. It is in the lowly, lush valleys that we find growth and life. It was created this way by One who understands us better than we do ourselves for He became one of us in order that He may mediate for us at a future time. So in times of grief, sorrow or pain, keep in mind that God is the creator of all of those emotions and is more than capable of pulling us through...if we give up control and allow Him.

So take the extra time to tell your children you love them. Tell your husband or wife how much you care for them. Make amends with whomever you need to, for no one but God knows what tomorrow will bring.

We'll miss you Mike.
Please copy and paste the link below for the news coverage.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

What a nice post, honey. I'm sorry for the loss.