Thursday, November 1, 2007

Challenge Everything

Recently I took a promotion exam to become a Driver/Operator for the fire department. The way it works is that after taking the test, you come and review your test and then challenge the questions you missed if you feel they were answered correctly. Then you return and review all the challenges made by the other firefighters to see if you need to counter-challenge them. You see, if you answered a particular question correctly and it gets challenged, you have the potential of losing points that could secure you a promotion. In the end, all challenges/counter-challenges go before a Civil Service Commission where all attend to state their individual case before the commission. With all this said, upon counter-challenging some 6-12 questions, I have definitely learned more in trying to prove another wrong regarding the exam.
Much is the same when it comes to spiritual matters. For the longest, I was a firm believer in men and only men leading ministry. I felt that from the writings of Paul to Timothy, Scripture was very clear in that a woman is to remain silent. It wasn't until I began to research this topic in order to solidify my position that I learned how incorrect I may be. I'm not quite sure what position I would take now, but it certainly isn't grounded.
The point of all of this is that whether you are certain or not on a particular doctrine, question it; question yourself as to why you believe what you believe. The Bible is a treasure chest waiting to be opened and it will certainly overwhelm you with it's results.
Please see the link for Various Theological Papers for more information on the subject of Women's Roles In the Ministry.


Lorie said...

Interesting post you have here, Josh! Being that I teach some classes at my church and have had the same questions as yours I can understand your questions. I think Courtney and I have chatted about this before.

Anyway, I'm glad Courtney pointed out your blog so I can keep track of your side of things too!

Great pictures of you and the kids at Vivi's school!

Lynnette said...

I'm curious about what scriptures caused you to rethink your original position that women shouldn't teach in the church. From personal studies, Paul's epistle to Timothy seemed pretty clear to me, so I am curious what scripture you are referencing. Many thanks for your information. Blessings to you and your family